Thursday, July 25, 2013

Tune into Technology Thursday Linky - Management & Organization

Another Linky for the books.  Thanks to Learning To The Core and I Teach 1:1  for hosting this linky.

I have 10 iPads in my room and share another 10 with a fellow 3rd grade teacher.  We were lucky enough to receive a grant last year and were determined to find an easy way to keep them organized, stored and also find an easy way to transport them to each others rooms.
After brainstorming many ideas (did I mention we didn't have a lot of $ for purchasing storage) we came up with this great idea.  It works perfect, holds 10 iPads easily and travels well to other classrooms.
It cost $8.00 for each tub and $3.00 for each surge protector. So our total cost was $32.00
I know it's not the cutest thing ever (ok it's down right ugly) but it works and at the end of the day, it gets locked away in my closet.  Now if you consider that a storage container for ipads can run anywhere from $100.00 - $1,000  - I think we did pretty well.
This is what holds our iPads.  (durable but not fancy)
 Our Container

This is what it looks like empty.   I used the cardboard that we got when the iPads were shipped.  We numbered each slot.
Numbered Slots
This is what it looks like with the iPads inside.
ipads inside
 Now to be sure that each iPad is returned and to avoid the hearing "we are missing an iPad, who has an iPad", I found these backgrounds and put them into the wallpaper of each.  Our kids are assigned a number to use each time, so we know who has the missing one.  I found it easy to assign one child as the iPad guru. That student's job is to make sure the iPads are charged, back in order correctly and put away each day.  Boy did that save me hours of time.
Background Wallpaper of iPads
I hope this was helpful! Having our iPads have been so much fun! I only wish each child had one.


  1. What a great idea for iPad storage. Those fancy carts are so expensive but this does the job just as well. I also love the idea of changing the iPad backgrounds. Thanks for linking up.:)
    iTeach 1:1
