So in May, we briefly talked about it again and decided we were going to do it "for sure". What do you know, this year we got out of school on June 6th, so around June 1st we decided we better get out some information if we were planning to have a camp. No procrastination there at all. I fully believe it was because the end of the year just "snuck up". So we decided to whip up a flyer, a form and start spreading the news. I used S'more to create the flyer and Kacie used Google Docs for the form (man, she is a pro with Google Docs) If you haven't used S'more before, it is so worth a few minutes. Kids love it and Teachers too!
Now back to our story, we only had a few days left but we work really well in crunch time. So we begged our co-workers to send out the word and we emailed all the parents we knew and POW~ by the time we left on June 7th, we had about 12 kiddos (Not Bad). So TECH CAMP was on. We had an idea what we wanted it to look like and had plenty of time to plan for our July 29th date.
So June passed, we relaxed, ate, swam, read, relaxed, drank, relaxed... you get it. No Tech plans yet!
Then July rolled around and yep, we did the same thing we did in June.
So around the week before Tech Camp we decided to get together (I mentioned we have a procrastination issue right). The thing I like about Kacie & I is that we can get together and knock out some pretty amazing ideas. Most of the time we know how we are going to go about them and the rest, we are just willing to take the risk and give it whirl. So Tech Camp 2013 was planned and ready to go! My daughter even got to spend the day swimming with Kacie's daughter so it was an added bonus for her.
JULY 29th arrived and by this time, we had 16 kiddos signed up (yeah us). We were so lucky because Kacie's parents let us hold camp at her house and they let my daughter hang out all week too! (her parents are AMAZING). We broke our camp up into 2 groups am & pm. Our am group was from 8:30 - 11:30 (K - 2nd) and our pm group was from 12:30 - 3:30 (3rd - 5th). We were ready. Our week was so busy with ipads, pc's, Mac's, apps, coding, embedding, posting, commenting, sharing. You name it and I think we did it. We used apps that we loved, apps we just learned and apps that we had absolutely no idea how to use before camp (but we knew we wanted to try them). Our kids left every day so excited to return and arrived every morning ready to go. I loved it! They loved it! We loved it! I have to admit, it was exhausting but in a good way. We were going non-stop (no recess, planning time, library) just full throttle but I would not have wanted it any other way. Did I mention yet, how happy I was to have Kacie as a partner in this, we work so well together it's seamless.
So Friday rolled around, it was our last day, we had made it. The best part was to hear so many kiddos say "Can we come back next year" , "Tech Camp was so great" or "Man, why does camp have to end".
YEAH KACIE & NAT! We did it. That is how we survived our first of many Tech Camps to come and LOVED IT! Until next year.
PS. I didn't mention all the activities we did in much detail as this was just "the story" but I promise to write all about it this weekend!
Here is a picture of our kiddos -
Ethan's thoughts on Tech Camp